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12月16日雅思大作文示范写作 | 接受高等教育是通向成功最好的途径吗?

November 18, 2023

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Some people think that the best way to be successful in life is to get a university education. Others disagree and say that nowadays, this is no longer true. Discuss both views and give your own opinions.(2023/12/16)



People harbor distinct views on whether education istantamountto success. Although most well-educated people , beyond all doubts, have attained success in their lives, I stillfrownuponthe stance that success exclusivelyhinges oneducation.


解析:本次考题是教育类话题,是2022年1月8号考过的原题,整体难度并不大,审题注意绝对化信息the best;绝对化题目推荐观点选择disagree,可以通过论述高等教育,以及其他因素如何影响成功来进行论证;

❖ tantamount adj.同等的;相当于……的;

❖ frown upon 不赞成或不同意;

❖ hinge on 依赖于;取决于

Body 1

Indeed, most highly educated individuals lead productive lives, while those without a high degree justeke out a living. The reason behind this stark contrast is that most jobs offering decent wages require professional knowledge and skills, which can be only obtained through tertiary education. For example, through years ofgrinding awayat computer science in university, theseeligiblegraduates can be hired in renowned industry giants such as Apple with a juicy pay to reach financial success. Other people never attending college, conversely, have to take up physicallyonerousjobs with amediocrewage due to the lack of professional knowledge.




❖ eke out a living 勉强维持生计;

❖ grind away 持续不断地工作或学习;

❖ eligible adj.符合条件的,合格的;

❖ onerous adj.费力的,艰巨的;

❖ mediocre adj. 平庸的;


Body 2

Nevertheless, I still maintain that educational qualifications will not necessarily conduce to success, because they are not the only core factor to a successful life.In this variably changing world where knowledge is always updated, success necessitates courage andstamina, whichspurpeople to embrace new challenges andgrapplewith them when we are working, during which invaluable skills can be gained. If we are scared of making new attempts and always stay in our comfort zone, what we learn in college will becomeobsoleteand then we will let golden opportunities to success slip away.Moreover, a fluent capability of interpersonal communication is of the same weight. Tasks assigned by employers are complicated, which usually requireinterdisciplinaryknowledge. Due to the fact that people are notomnipotent, it is the communication that acts as a key to clearing up problems webump into. Team members can exchange their insightful views by exerting respective strengths and then accomplish demanding tasks withflying colours, which is of greatavailto future success in career.




❖ stamina n.耐力, 毅力;(stamen 的复数)

❖ spur v. 激励,鼓励; 刺激(某事发生);

❖ grapple v.努力解决问题,应对困境(grapple with);

❖ obsolete adj. 淘汰的,废弃的;

❖ interdisciplinary adj.跨学科的;

❖ omnipotent adj.全能的,无所不能的;

❖ bump into 偶然遇见或碰到某人或某物;

❖ flying colours 在某项任务或考试中取得非常出色的成绩或成功;

❖ avail n. 效用,利益;



In summary,instrumentalas educational qualifications may seem in securing a successful life, I firmly believe that only relying on them is far from enough. Only when educational qualifications and practical skills areintertwined, can we ensure arosyfuture.


❖ instrumental adj.有帮助的,起作用的;

❖ intertwined adj.缠绕的;错综复杂的

❖ rosy adj. 乐观的,有希望的;


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